Decanter World Wine Awards: Two Bronze Medals
Siamo molto orgogliosi di annunciare che due annate del nostro vino Toscana IGT Rosso “Le Favorite” sono state premiate con la Medaglia di Bronzo ai Decanter World Wine Award
Bronze Medal for the Chianti DOCG Riserva 2012
We are very proud to announce that our Chianti DOCG Riserva 2012
Silver medal
Vinsanto DOC 2011 from Central Etruria - Decanter World Wine Awards 2016
Decanter World Wine Awards 2016 – Two Medals!
We are very proud to announce that two vintages of our Central Etruria Vinsanto DOC
Bronze Medal for the Chianti DOCG Riserva 2010
We’re very proud to announce that our Chianti DOCG Riserva 2010 has been awarded with the Bronze Medal at the Challenge International du Vin 2014.Wir sind sehr stolz darauf,
Here are our new vintages!
We have updated our product section with our new vintages: Go see our products.
Diploma of Great Mention
Toscana IGT Rosso "Le Favorite" 2013 - Vinitaly 2015